Ignite 7 Program

We’re excited to announce the Ignite Ann Arbor 7 program for Thursday October 25th!

Register to attend Ignite 7 at Eventbrite now

You can follow our speakers quickly from this twitter list.

How to Fly an Airplane (in 60 seconds)
Andy Fowler@andyfowler
Awesome New World
Greg Austic@austiclabs
Dynamic Design: The Wild World of Japanese Movie Posters
Jeremy Wheeler@JeremyWheeler
Five Ways to Figure Out if Your Startup is the Next Google
Maya Ben Ari
Put ‘Em Up: Home Food Preservation
Cynthia Hodges@momskitchen
My Duty as a Mature Adult (haha I said “duty”)
Steve Schwartz@jangosteve
Introducing… iBus
Don Kline@DonDoesIt
Brian Ralph Short@andessurvivor

— I N T E R M I S S I O N —

Lucid Dreaming: Questioning Reality
Miheer Sapre
Speaking Up
Annie Wolock@a2annie
Tactile Comics
Adam Kempa@adamkempa
Hacking Education: How Hackers are Helping the Next Generation
Dana Nelson@DanaHeibai
Are You The Next Mad Men?
Evelyn Chou@evyfindstheway
Publish Early, Publish Often
Kevin Dangoor@dangoor
Scrubbed: Space, Florida, Disappointment.
Peter Baker@ptrbkr
Spread the Warmth, Save Lives
Grace Hsia@GoGettingGrace
Power and Change through Burlesque
Evelyn Hollenshead@thetickledfancy

Ignite 5 Call for Speakers

What better time is there than a new year for committing to do an awesome 5 minute talk at Ann Arbor’s premier event for 5 minute talks? Ignite 5 will be February 9th at Blau Auditorium, and we are open for talk submissions NOW!

The Ignite format gives you 5 minutes and 20 slides that advance every 15 seconds automatically. It’s a format with constraints, but we believe constraints breed creativity. You have until January 17th to make your submission, but don’t delay; seize the moment!

Ignites are held worldwide and Ignite Ann Arbor 5 will be part of Global Ignite Week, a week of Ignite events held in over 50 cities. This will be the 5th Ignite held in Ann Arbor; 58 speakers have spoken before over 1300 audience members at the previous four events.

Give us your info to be considered!

Ignite 2 Program

Bilal Ghalib @: Hacker Spaces and PBLE’s – American Re-education and the Importance of Making Things

Mary Lemmer @: I scream for Gelato

Patti Smith @: The Braille Embossinator: Technology for the Visually Impaired and Disabled

Aaron Worsham @: Why Geeks Love Wood

Devon Persing @: Ambient Librarianship, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Job

Linda Diane Feldt @: There is a free lunch – and twitter helps to find it.

Carl Wright @: How to spin a rope


Jack Zaientz @: The Silver Age of American Jewish Music is Happening Now! And Why We’re Missing It.

Garrett Scott @: Rosicrucian Barber-Orators, Humanist Doodles, and a Bible Dictionary amid the Cherokee.

Brenda E. Bentley: These Buns are Made for Walking

Bill Van Loo: Are our kids technologically literate?

Peggy Daub: What was Galileo thinking about 400 years ago today?

Aaron Santos: How Many Licks Does It Take?

Angela Kujava @: The Uprising Behind the Robot Store or, Why One-On-One Attention is Crucial for our Students.

David Bloom @: Why Sex Is Great

Final Speaking Lineup – Ignite 1

Now, with contact information!

Eli Neiburger @ @ e : Hack your Library

Matt Oishi: Neutral Zone teen and electronic music whiz

Dianne Marsh : Under-representation of Women in Computer Science: Why I care and why you should too

Aydin Akcasu e : Wii Will Wii Will Rock You! !! !!!

James Deakins @ : Playing with balloons. How to make a near space balloon that collects data while it travels.

Stefanie Murray @ @ e : What’s up with news in this town? Evolution of The Ann Arbor News and what’s next

Zach Steindler @ : Expensive Camping Gear? DIY!

— Short Break —

Brad Boegler : Real-time NOAA weather satellite imagery reception from home

Laura Fisher : Keeping Things in Balance: Classic Visual Ratios

Bob Stack : Technical co-working. Economy, synergy and friendship

Kyle Mulka @ : The Many Uses of Twitter

Eric Jankowski : Why every second you spend not playing Go is wasted

Dave Askins : The Ann Arbor Chronicle — An Origin Story

John Barrie @ e: The Appropriate Technology Collaborative – How to end poverty using clean, green technology.

Ignite 1 Program

Currently confirmed speakers for Ignite 1:

Dianne Marsh : Under-representation of Women in Computer Science: Why I care and why you should too

Eli Neiburger : Hack your Library

Eric Jankowski : Why every second you spend not playing Go is wasted

Zach Steindler : Expensive Camping Gear? DIY!

Dave Askins : The Ann Arbor Chronicle — An Origin Story

Aydin Akcasu : Wii Will Wii Will Rock You! !! !!!

James Deakins : Playing with balloons. How to make a near space balloon that collects data while it travels.

Kyle Mulka : The Many Uses of Twitter

Brad Boegler : Real-time NOAA weather satellite imagery reception from home

Bob Stack : Technical co-working. Economy, synergy and friendship

Laura Fisher : Keeping Things in Balance: Classic Visual Ratios

Matt Oishi: Neutral Zone teen and electronic music whiz

Stefanie Murray : What’s up with news in this town?  Evolution of The Ann Arbor News and what’s next

John Barrie: The Appropriate Technology Collaborative – How to end poverty using clean, green technology.