Ignite 12 Submissions now Closed

The Ignite 12 Program will be announced the week of October 12th.

Ignite Ann Arbor 12 will occur at 6:30 pm on Nov 7th at the Downtown Ann Arbor District Library. Attendance is Free.

To be notified of future Ignite events and calls for speaker, follow us on twitter at @ignitea2, and / or RSVP to receive an email when a future event is announced:

Ignite 12 Call for Speakers

There comes a time every year when the cry goes out across the land: “HUMANS: distill your narrative of value down to 5 minutes, and accompany it with 20 images that will auto-advance every 15 seconds.”

That time is now. That land is Ann Arbor. This .. is the Ignite Ann Arbor 12 Call for Speakers.

Ignite talks are 5 minute talks where the speaker gets 20 slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds. We think that breeds creativity, and we like to see talks on a very wide range of topics, as you can see by looking at some of the previous talks in the tabs above.

Ignite Ann Arbor 12 will take place at 6:30 pm on Thursday November 7th at the Downtown Ann Arbor District Library

YOU can give an Ignite talk. We know it. The program is selected from the applicants by the Ignite organizers based on the submitted talk titles and descriptions. We’re looking for people we don’t know, people who don’t look like us, don’t act like us, don’t think like us. We’re looking for you!

Need examples to spur you on? Click one of the Ignite tabs above to see videos from a previous event, such as Ignite 8.

(Submissions are now closed)

Application Deadline is 11:59pm, Sep 30
Speaker Selection by October 7 – You will be notified either way
Slide submission in 20-page PDF deadline: Oct 25
Runthroughs: 10/27 Afternoon, 10/30 Evening
Ignite 12 @ AADL: 6:30pm Thursday November 7th (Note earlier start than historically)

Ignite 11 Program

Ignite Ann Arbor 11 – Friday Nov 2nd 7pm – Downtown Ann Arbor District Library
7pm Friday November 2
Follow @ignitea2 for updates!

A City in Six Acres: Kowloon Walled City, 1898 – 1993
Kat Johnson@whoiskatreally
LEGO, Piled Higher & Deeper
David Lorch@DPLorch
Our Voices, Our Neighborhoods: People at the Center of Arts and Culture Philanthropy
Katie Van Dusen
Asking Better Questions
James Kruth@artlogic
The Breadth of a Circle
Britain Woodman@britain
Bipolar Me
Ann Jeffers
You Shouldn’t Have to Climb Alone: How a Circuit Board and a Mentor Changed My Life
Kattni Rembor@kattni
Reclaiming the Night Sky
Gillen Brown


Crystals, milk, and rabies: LP’s legacy
Kayla Peck@kaylampeck
Old people go exploring, too!
Joseph Neely@joeneely55
Why Universities Are Killing (And Saving) Us
Eldridge Alexander@magiceldridge
From Aristotle to Troublesome Monkeys: Literature of sex in 19th century America
Garrett Scott@billybakkus
Designing a VUI in 5 steps
Ruchi Ookalkar@rookalkar
Art of the Arc
Ambika Vohra@sillysketch
10 Years at the U-M Computer & Video Game Archive
Dave Carter@davereadscomics
All You Need to Know About Shakespeare Plays in Five Minutes
Mya Lixian Gosling@GoodTickleBrain

Thank you to this year’s Ignite selection committee:
Ryan Burns, Keren Sharon, Thea Eck, Tom Brandt, Mariah Cherem, Eli Neiburger, Mohan Kartha, Roger Rayle, Shoshana Hurand, Valerie Sobczak, Zach Steindler

Ignite 10 Program

We’re thrilled to announce our program for Ignite Ann Arbor 10!

Ignite will be Fri Nov 13 in Robertson Auditorium, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, and is free to attend. Please RSVP!

Peering Towards the Beginning of Time with the Hubble Space Telescope
Keren Sharon 
Tinder and Urban UX design
Rachel Jaffe@racheljaffe13
Elizabeth Ann Gray 
I am the Commuting Pope: Transportation Sins and Salvation
Nancy Shore@getdowntown
The theory and practice of going from wantrepreneur to entrepreneur
Steven Sherman@shermanfarms
From the Depths of AADL… The Secret Lab!
Anne Drozd@secretlab
Why Your Street Should Have Its Own Newspaper
Lucy Tobier 

Everybody Trolls Sometimes
Lindsay Blackwell@linguangst
Changing The Way Fashionistas Pay It Forward: Making Them Give Back Even If They Don’t Want To
Jordette Singleton@ShopUnitedFront
Your World, Crushed Flat
Ry4an Brase@ry4an
Love and Lost Hair- In Inside Look at Healing From Cancer
Michelle Massey Barnes@mmbimagery
Crowd-sourcing your Job Interview
Suleman Diwan@sulemandiwan
Unequal Justice for All
Vanessa Cheris@vcheris
Where There’s a Will….How to Enjoy Shakespeare
Nan Bauer@nanettesfeast.com

Thanks to our Wonderful Sponsors!

We really appreciate your support! UM Center For Entrepreneurship has been a long time supporter. Duo Security is a local startup providing easy two-factor authentication as a service. The Michigan Masters of Entrepreneurship Program has generously provided Blau Auditorium for Ignite. Washtenaw Toastmasters provided speaking guidance and coaching at our run through sessions that was very helpful to our speakers!


Maker Faire Tickets

Due to the synergy with Ignite Great Lakes and Maker Faire Detroit, we have two tickets to Maker Faire available to the first person who can correctly email organizer@igniteannarbor.org with the answer to this question:

Which Ignite Ann Arbor speaker spoke the words “Because near-space chocolate is awesome!” ?

Organizers and relevant speaker may not claim the prize.

Update: Congratulations to Christopher Lee, who correctly and first answered “Jim Deakins”, Ignite 1 Alumnus whose talk was entitled “Near Space Balloons”

Ignite Great Lakes

Ignite Great Lakes is the first-ever regional Ignite event and it’s being held in conjunction with Maker Faire Detroit, on Sat. July 30th at the Fillmore Detroit!

Date: July 30, 2011
Time: 7pm
Venue: Fillmore Detroit, 2115 Woodward, Detroit, MI 48201
Register now: http://oreil.ly/oypa0Q
More information: http://igniteshow.com/greatlakes

O’Reilly has polled the local Ignite organizers in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Ontario, and has pulled together a list of 13 stellar speakers, including two Ignite Ann Arbor Alumni! If you’ll be in the area we’d love to have you join us. You can sign up for your tickets here:

Better yet, if you’re willing and able to volunteer for the event, you can fill out our form here:

Be sure to get your tickets for what is sure to be one of the most impressive Ignites held to date – let’s make them The Greatest Lakes.

View Ignite Great Lakes in a larger map

Ignite is Tonight

If you haven’t RSVPed, you can still come and get on the wait list. We usually have some no-shows, and at 6:50 we will open up remaining spots to the waitlist. Directions are here: http://igniteannarbor.eventbrite.com You can park in the Hill St. parking structure.