Backstage details

We ran our presentations last night with Impressive, a python presentation framework, rendering directly from PDFs that all the speakers provided. It’s a nice package. I’ll be giving a little demo tomorrow at MichiPUG. I also wrote up a detailed explanation if you’re interested.

Also, the half-time twitter visualizer was, which I think worked great. We had a lot of twitterizing from the crowd that was thrown up on the screen at half-time.

Ignite 1 a great success


Thanks to everyone who came out to see Ignite 1, we had over 200 people in attendance.  You could feel the energy level all the participants brought into the event, and the talks were all outstanding.  Our 14 speakers clearly cared about their topics and did a fantastic job.  Thanks again to the Neutral Zone and all our organizing volunteers for making this night possible.

The event was discussed on and by Ed Vielmetti.

If you have photos you’d like to share, tag them with ignitea2 on Flickr.

We’ll try to get some of the video up shortly, if you missed the event or the streaming. In the meantime, we’ll have to be content with perhaps the most memorable quote of the evening: “Near-space chocolate is awesome”.