Maker Faire Tickets

Due to the synergy with Ignite Great Lakes and Maker Faire Detroit, we have two tickets to Maker Faire available to the first person who can correctly email with the answer to this question:

Which Ignite Ann Arbor speaker spoke the words “Because near-space chocolate is awesome!” ?

Organizers and relevant speaker may not claim the prize.

Update: Congratulations to Christopher Lee, who correctly and first answered “Jim Deakins”, Ignite 1 Alumnus whose talk was entitled “Near Space Balloons”

Ignite Great Lakes

Ignite Great Lakes is the first-ever regional Ignite event and it’s being held in conjunction with Maker Faire Detroit, on Sat. July 30th at the Fillmore Detroit!

Date: July 30, 2011
Time: 7pm
Venue: Fillmore Detroit, 2115 Woodward, Detroit, MI 48201
Register now:
More information:

O’Reilly has polled the local Ignite organizers in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Ontario, and has pulled together a list of 13 stellar speakers, including two Ignite Ann Arbor Alumni! If you’ll be in the area we’d love to have you join us. You can sign up for your tickets here:

Better yet, if you’re willing and able to volunteer for the event, you can fill out our form here:

Be sure to get your tickets for what is sure to be one of the most impressive Ignites held to date – let’s make them The Greatest Lakes.

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